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Funeral Guide

How Do We Grieve Loved Ones At Easter?

Easter time is often one of joy as we celebrate rebirth and new life around the world, watching the days start to get longer and the weather getting warmer. If you are grieving at Easter time, you may feel at odds with everything else that is going on, leaving you feeling lonely and isolated at a time when you need support more than ever. As one of the leading funeral directors in Kent, we work hard to help our clients find a path through grief and have shared some tips to help you in this difficult time. 

Remind Yourself the Day Will Pass

Easter, like any other holiday, will not last forever even though it can feel like it when the day arrives. If you do not feel up to getting involved with the festivities then do not feel like you must, instead take the time to relax or do something that works for you. If your family and friends all celebrate Easter you may find yourself overwhelmed with invitations, but again, don’t be afraid to politely decline and take some time out for yourself in a way that fits your needs. 

Look After Yourself Well

Caring for your own well-being is often something that falls to the wayside when you are grieving, especially during holidays such as Easter. At T Allen, our funeral directors in Medway, Kent, find that many mourners try to ignore grief and push through the pain, but this can be more damaging than acknowledging how you feel. Instead, take some time to do things that make you feel good such as taking a relaxing bath, reading or even going for a walk. Whatever works for you is best and will help you to work through the grieving process in the healthiest way possible. 

Share Your Grief

Grief can feel incredibly isolating as the relationship you had with the person you are mourning was special between the two of you. Rather than allowing yourself to slip into isolation, take the time to share how you are feeling with the people you trust the most. Many people find that after the funeral service has passed, many well-wishers stop getting in touch as often but this doesn’t mean you can’t reach out. When you do, you’ll find that everyone wants to support you by doing whatever you need to help you through. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Enjoy Yourself Too

Making funeral arrangements in Medway or further afield? You may find that it can be all-consuming and once the funeral has passed, are left wondering how to move forward, especially when you are grieving at Easter time.Many people feel guilty if they find themselves enjoying a moment of happiness, but there is nothing wrong with this! If you find that Easter is one of your favourite holidays then don’t be afraid to get it there and get involved in a way that works for you, after all, it is important that you continue to build your life as much as possible.


Grieving at Easter Time? We Are Here to Help With Funeral Plans in Kent

At T Allen, we are here to help you organise a beautiful funeral for the person you love. Our team understand the strains of grieving at Easter time and will work with you to come up with arrangements that reflect the life of the deceased. Get in touch with us to talk about your needs and let us support you through this difficult time.