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What Happens To My Pet If I Pass Away?

Many of us can often forget that our pets may outlive us. Which can lead to the common thought of ‘what happens to my pet when I pass away?’ Pets are a treasured member of many families, and can also often be great comfort and company to those who may not have anyone else living in their household.

We all love our pets, whether it’s a dog, cat or even a fish, we want to ensure that they will still be taken care of long after we’re gone. Conversations with family members or indeed instruction in your will upon your passing can greatly influence what will happen to ownership of any pets if you suddenly pass away. T Allen Funeral Services have provided some useful information below regarding a UK pet clause you may wish to include in your will.

What Will Happen To My Pet If I Pass Away?

The ownership of whatever pets will typically instantly transfer to people with whom the deceased shared a home if they died unexpectedly while doing so. As much as the members of the family are committed to taking on the duty, this procedure is typically simple.

If you’re a single person, you must make arrangements for the pet’s care following your passing. This can be accomplished by including a pet clause within your will or by providing written instructions. In reality, it may be sufficient to simply express your wishes with somebody you trust on what you would like to happen with your companion following your passing.

Making A Pet Clause In Will

Throughout the UK, there are 12 million residences with an approximate 51 million pets. It seems to be understandable that several animal parents want to make sure that their companion will be welcomed in and tended for by a person they can trust, given that rescue organisations are already overflowing at the gates.

An earlier survey by Co-op Legal Services found that nearly half of animal owners might name a caretaker for their animal in the case of their passing. Furthermore, almost one-third of UK residents have included a pet within their will, which is significant.

Pets are considered “personal chattels” (belongings) in Britain and Wales, this implies they could be bequeathed through a Will in exactly the same manner as other possessions.

Do You Need Funeral Advice Surrounding UK Pet Clause?

If you need some funeral advice surrounding the UK pet clause, or alternatively you wish to enquire about making funeral arrangements in Kent, T Allen Funeral Services are keen to hear from you.

We operate in a respectful and compassionate manner when tending to all queries surrounding the passing of a loved one. We are longtime funeral directors in Kent who offer our help and assistance with everything from making arrangements for a deceased person’s pet to holding a funeral service in Kent. If you would like our assistance or simply wish to enquire about a query, T Allen Funeral Services encourage you to get in contact as soon as possible.